It’s Time to Schedule Your 5-Day Club!

With summer right around the corner, it’s time to schedule your 5-Day Club!

5-Day Clubs are an hour and a half long club held for 5 days in a row (Monday through Friday). These clubs are taught by trained Christian Youth in Action Teens and include songs, games, Bible Lessons, and missionary stories!

As a host, we ask you to held with three things: a location (like your yard or a nearby park), inviting kids to the club, and providing a snack at the end of each club.

If you would like to host a club, fill out the form below and a staff member will contact you. If you’re interested, but still have some questions, contact us here, and a staff member will get in touch with you.  (Or, you can email You can also find more information about 5-Day Clubs on our website or on the national CEF website.